Love is an ACTION!

Love in Action

When thinking of love what's the first thing that comes to mind? Is it those cheesy Hallmark movies that come on during Christmas? Is it that couple that you seen date in high school which later got married? Or is it that affair with those sweets that you keep having when you are supposed to be on a diet? Considering the last example, I think we can agree that each of them have something in common and it's not always a fairy tale ending.

So first, let's define love. If I had to define perfect love, I would say that it is a consistent willingness to give without any hidden agendas. Love pushes one to demonstrate an inward emotion outwardly. Love competes to make the other feel fully supported. And when each of these is at the forefront, love is often reciprocated which creates perfect unity.

I was totally reminded of this when Maurice recently called me to photograph his surprise proposal. He called with one agenda, to make sure that Teonte would be able to have their engagement documented. He planned and executed the perfect day for his bride to be. Plus, since it was also Teonte's birthday weekend, he thought he would make it extra special. First he managed to fly in without her knowing! He planned a night out on the town making Teonte think that she was having a girls night out dinner, only to be surprised by Maurice. With their evening was underway, the couple walked to the Cameo theatre for a private showing of Teonte's favorite movie. Greeted at the door by name by the theatre staff, their night was off to a great start!

As the movie neared the end, family and friends piled in the theatre. Maurice concluded the movie with a custom trailer that documented their personal love story over the years! As it ended he asked for her hand in marriage! Fighting emotions, Teonte said YES! Maurice definitely demonstrated his love for Teonte and this should serve as an example for everyone of what love looks like in action.

A huge congratulations goes out to the couple on their engagement. Thank you both for demonstrating love in action. Your story is just beginning, but know people have already began reading it!

The message for all of us is to love vigorously with the intention of ensuring others are supported/happy. Surround yourself with people that always go the extra mile, as this too clearly exhibits love. Lastly, COMPETE AT LOVE because when we COMPETE AT LOVE, love is often reciprocated.